z|monkey 发表于 2010-8-8 22:47:54

工具翻译的- -很多地方不大对- -spawn翻译成产卵了这个我也不清楚spawn这里指什么。。



/ /重新显示选择菜单每类产卵。
/ /默认:“0”
zr_classes_menu_spawn“0”/ /

/ /默认:“0”

/ /选择后自动关闭选择菜单。
/ /默认:“1”
/ /播放器是一个随机分配每类产卵。

[重写:zr_classes_default_ *]
/ /默认:“0”

/ /时间限制的改变产卵后一类人的瞬间变化。时间是在几秒钟内。使用0或负禁用。
/ /默认:“20”
/ /保存在服务器的Cookie选择球员的阶级和恢复连接时。

[重写:zr_classes_default_ *]
/ /默认:“1”

/ /(不执行!)管理,唯一的类分配给连接到管理员,如果有的话。
/ /默认:“随机”zr_classes_default_admin“默认”
/ /(不完全)管理模式的类连接到指定的管理员。不要混淆管理员只类的。
/ /默认:“随机”zr_classes_default_admin_mode“随机”
/ /人力类分配给连接球员。
/ /默认:“随机”zr_classes_default_human“随机”/ /僵尸类分配给连接球员。
[“随机”=随机僵尸类|“”=类的默认配置] / /默认:“随机“

/ /僵尸类分配给母亲僵尸。
/ /默认:“motherzombies”

/ /允许玩家选择僵尸类。
/ /默认:“1”zr_classes_zombie_select“1”/ /允许玩家选择人类的类。
/ /默认:“1”zr_classes_human_select“1”/ /允许管理员选择管理模式的类。 (不被混淆的管理,只有类!)
/ /默认:“1”zr_classes_admin_select“1”/ /速度时使用的方法运用球员的速度。请勿触摸这如果你不知道你在做什么!
/ /默认:“托”zr_classes_speed_method“托”/ /覆盖/ /允许玩家切换类覆盖。
/ /默认:“1”zr_classes_overlay_toggle“1 “/ /命令列表挂钩,玩家可以用它来切换类覆盖。
[依存:zr_classes_overlay_toggle |分隔符:“,”]
/ /默认:“夜视”zr_classes_overlay_togglecmds“夜视”
/ /默认的类覆盖切换上设置连接状态的球员。
/ /默认:“1”zr_classes_overlay_default“1”
/ / --- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- / /武器(核)/ / ------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------- / /一般
/ /武器模块启用,禁用这将禁用任何武器相关的功能。 (武器的限制,武器击退乘数等)

/ /默认:“1”zr_weapons“1”
/ /限制
/ /启用武器限制的模块,这将禁用禁用武器限制命令。
/ /默认:“1”zr_weapons_restrict“1”
/ /从采摘制约轮僵尸的武器后,已经结束了,但之前已开始下一轮。
/ /默认:“1”zr_weapons_restrict_endequip“1”
/ / ZMarket / /允许玩家购买武器的配置清单中的武器。
/ /默认:“1”zr_weapons_zmarket“1”
/ /需要的球员buyzone是内部使用ZMarket。
[依存:/默认zr_weapons_zmarket] /:“1”zr_weapons_zmarket_buyzone“1”
/ /允许球员重购他们以前的武器。
[依存:/默认zr_weapons_zmarket] /:“1”zr_weapons_zmarket_rebuy“1”
/ /允许球员自动重购他们以前的武器。
/ /默认:“1”zr_weapons_zmarket_rebuy_auto“1”

/ / -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- / / Hitgroups(核心) / / ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------

/启用hitgroups模块,这将禁用hitgroup禁用相关的功能。 (hitgroup击退乘数,hitgroup损害控制)/ /默认:“1”zr_hitgroups“1”/ / ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ / /感染(核心)/ / -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- / /一般/ /僵尸数量母亲感染(感染时,计时器上)人类数量的比例在服务器上。/ /默认:“5”zr_infect_mzombie_ratio“5”/ /僵尸传送点回到母亲感染上产卵。/ /默认:“0”zr_infect_mzombie_respawn“0”/ /开始从最长时间在圆的母亲,直到采摘僵尸()。/ /默认:“50.0”zr_infect_spawntime_max“50.0”/ /最短时间从开始的S(圆,直到挑选母亲僵尸)。/ /默认:“30.0”zr_infect_spawntime_min “30.0”/ /防止被选择的球员在连续两轮作为母亲僵尸。/ /默认:“1”zr_infect_consecutive_block“1”/ /队球员砸感染所有武器,这将剥夺禁用武器,而不是。/ /默认:“1”zr_infect_weapons_drop“1”/ /效果/ /禁用此将禁用火球,烟雾,火花和方法更有效。/ /默认:“1”zr_infect_explosion“1”/ /生成一个火球效果周围的球员感染。 [依存:zr_infect_explosion] / /默认:“1”zr_infect_fireball“1”/ /生成一个烟雾效果感染周围云球员。 [依存:zr_infect_explosion] / /默认:“1”zr_infect_smoke“1”/ /埃米特格罗火花感染播放器。 [依存:zr_infect_explosion] / /默认:“1”zr_infect_sparks“1”/ /声音,相对于“声音”文件夹,播放从感染播放器。 ['""' =无声音] / /默认:“npc/fast_zombie/fz_scream1.wav”zr_infect_sound“npc/fast_zombie/fz_scream1.wav”/ /放射出能量感染飞溅的球员。/ /默认:“1” zr_infect_esplash“1”/ /摇玩家的感染上查看。/ /默认:“1”zr_infect_shake“1”/ /效果振幅震动。 [依存:zr_infect_shake] / /默认:“15.0”zr_infect_shake_amp“15.0”/ /频率的震动效应。 [依存:zr_infect_shake] / /默认:“1.0”zr_infect_shake_frequency“1.0”/ /震动持续时间的影响。 [依存:zr_infect_shake] / /默认:“5.0”zr_infect_shake_duration“5.0”

/ / ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- / /损毁(核心)/ / -------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ / / Hitgroup损坏/ /读取配置文件损坏hitgroup控制hitgroup,禁用此允许所有僵尸hitgroups被枪杀。/ /默认:“1”zr_damage_hitgroups“1”/ /座损伤类型/ /座友军。/ /默认:“1”zr_damage_block_ff“1”/ /座自我爆炸造成的损害或队友。/ /默认:“1”zr_damage_block_blast“1”/ /自杀拦截/ /拦截自杀命令企图通过僵尸。/ /默认:“0”zr_damage_suicide_zombie“0”/ /拦截命令僵尸企图自杀的母亲。/ /默认:“1”zr_damage_suicide_mzombie“1”/ /拦截企图自杀的人的命令。/ /默认: “0”zr_damage_suicide_human“0”/ /命令的客户名单,以阻截企图自杀。 [分隔符:“,”] / /默认:“杀人,旁观,jointeam,joinclass,爆炸旁观,jointeam,joinclass,爆炸”/ /拦截自杀命令“zr_damage_suicide_cmds”杀死,只有在第一次僵尸催生了。/ /默认:“1”zr_damage_suicide_after_infect“1”/ / ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ / /罩面(核心)/ / ------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- / /多久更新覆盖的球员。 / /默认:“1.0”zr_overlays_update_time“1.0”/ /最低水平覆盖的DirectX允许(mat_dxlevel)。/ /默认:“80”zr_overlays_min_dxlevel“80”/ / --------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------- / /圆端(核心)/ / ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- - / /显示指定的覆盖取决于球员的得主,当轮比赛结束。/ /默认:“1”zr_roundend_overlay“1”/ /覆盖,相对于“材料”文件夹,显示当僵尸赢得了一轮。 [依存:zr_roundend_overlay] / /默认:“重叠/锆/ zombies_win”zr_roundend_overlays_zombie“重叠/锆/ zombies_win”/ /覆盖,相对于“材料”文件夹,显示当人类赢得了一轮。 [依存:zr_roundend_overlay] / /默认:“重叠/锆/ humans_win”zr_roundend_overlays_human

/ / ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- / /帐户(模块)/ / -------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ / /重置玩家的现金每个产卵。/ /默认:“1”zr_account_cashfill“1”/ /现金金额设定玩家的帐户。 [依存:zr_account_cashfill] / /默认:“12000”zr_account_cashfill_value“12000”/ /攻击机接收造成的现金数额相当于是损害。/ /默认:“0”zr_account_cashdmg“0”/ / ------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- / /视觉效果(模块)/ / --------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- / / Lightstyle / /更改lightstyle(亮度地图)的。/ /默认:“0”zr_veffects_lightstyle“0”/ / Lightstyle价值。 ['1'=最黑暗|'z'的=最亮|依赖:zr_veffects_lightstyle] / /默认:“B”的zr_veffects_lightstyle_value的“B”/ /天空/ /更改地图的SKYBOX。/ /默认:“0”zr_veffects_sky“0”/ /的SKYBOX文件,相对于“材料/的SKYBOX”文件夹,改变地图的SKYBOX通过。此文件被自动下载到客户端。 [依存:/默认zr_veffects_sky] /:“sky_borealis01up.vmt”zr_veffects_sky_path“sky_borealis01up.vmt”/ /太阳/ /禁用太阳地图绘制的。/ /默认:“0”zr_veffects_sun_disable“0”/ /雾(支持)目前SourceMod不支持此功能。/ /(支持)启用雾地图上绘制的。/ /默认:“0”zr_veffects_fog“0”/ /(支持)如果雾地图上已经存在,然后更换新修订雾。 [依存:/默认zr_veffects_fog] /:“0”zr_veffects_fog_override“0”/ /(支持)的雾原色。 [依存:/默认zr_veffects_fog] /:“255 255 255”zr_veffects_fog_pcolor“255 255 255”/ /(支持)的雾色中。 [依存:/默认zr_veffects_fog] /:“255 255 255”zr_veffects_fog_scolor“255 255 255”/ /(支持)密度(厚度)的雾。 [依存:/默认zr_veffects_fog] /:“0.8”zr_veffects_fog_density“0.8”/ /(支持)距离最重要的球员,开始呈现雾。 [依存:/默认zr_veffects_fog] /:“0”zr_veffects_fog_startdist“0”/ /(支持)距离选手停止渲染雾。 [依存:/默认zr_veffects_fog] /:“400”zr_veffects_fog_enddist“400”/ /(支持)垂直平面裁剪。/ /默认:“”/ /布娃娃/ /删除玩家的ragdolls从游戏后,2000年“zr_veffects_fog_farz”2000延误。/ /默认:“1”zr_veffects_ragdoll_remove“1”/ /去除效果的布娃娃。 ['-2'= Effectless搬迁|'-1'=随机效应| '0'=能源解散| '1'=重型电动解散| '2'=光电器解散| '3'=核心解散|依赖:zr_veffects_ragdoll_remove ] / /默认:“-1”zr_veffects_ragdoll_dissolve“-1”/ /等待时间删除布娃娃。 [依存:/默认zr_veffects_ragdoll_remove] /:“0.5”zr_veffects_ragdoll_delay“0.5”

/ / ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- / /容量特性(模块)/ / ------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------- / /启用功能。体积/ /默认:“1”zr_vol“1”/ /多久更新和触发事件,在几秒钟的球员位置。/ /默认:“ 1.0“zr_vol_update_interval”1.0“/ /多久检查延迟的事件,在几秒钟内。使用精确的延迟值越低更多。/ /默认:“1.0”zr_vol_trigger_interval“1.0”/ / ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- / / ZSpawn (模块)/ / --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- / /允许玩家游戏产卵到晚。/ /默认:“1”zr_zspawn “1”/ /重写时ZSpawn产卵产卵队由手段。/ /默认:“1”zr_zspawn_team_override“1”/ /菌种ZSpawn球员对球队的僵尸手段时产卵。 [依存:zr_zspawn_team_override |覆盖:zr_respawn_team_zombie] / /默认:“0”zr_zspawn_team_zombie“0”/ /断开与rejoing座球员的游戏使用zspawn。/ /默认:“1”zr_zspawn_block_rejoin“1”/ /将一个时间限制在ZSpawn使用。/ /默认:“/ /时间从开始的第一轮”“zr_zspawn_timelimit”1,让ZSpawn。 [依存:/默认zr_zspawn_timelimit] /:“120.0”zr_zspawn_timelimit_time“120.0”/ /菌种时限播放器后的僵尸队伍了。 ['-1'=座ZSpawn | 0人| =菌种为'1'=菌种作为僵尸|依赖:zr_zspawn_timelimit] / /默认:“1”zr_zspawn_timelimit_zombie“1”

/ / ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- / / ZTele(模块)/ / -------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------ / /允许使用ZTele僵尸。/ /默认:“1”zr_ztele_zombie“1”/ /允许使用人类产生ZTele在母亲僵尸了。/ /默认:“ 1“zr_ztele_human_before”1“/ /允许人类使用后产生ZTele母亲僵尸有。/ /默认:”1“zr_ztele_human_after”1“/ /僵尸之间的时间使用ZTele命令和传输。 [依存:zr_ztele_zombie] / /默认:“3.0”zr_ztele_delay_zombie“3.0”/ /人类之间的时间使用ZTele命令和传输。 [依赖:zr_ztele_human_(前)/(后)] / /默认:“3.0”zr_ztele_delay_human“3.0”/ /数量最多的时候是一个僵尸可以使用每一轮ZTele。 [依存:zr_ztele_zombie] / /默认:“3”zr_ztele_max_zombie“3”/ /最多次数的一人被允许使用,每一轮ZTele。 [依赖:zr_ztele_human_(前)/(后)] / /默认:“1”zr_ztele_max_human“1”/ /自动取消ZTele如果球员移出一个集合的边界。 [依赖:zr_ztele_(僵尸)/(人)] / /默认:“1”zr_ztele_autocancel“1”/ /最大距离,在脚,球员被允许前往电讯站前被取消。 [依存:/默认zr_ztele_autocancel] /:“20”zr_ztele_autocancel_distance“20”/ / -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- / / ZHP(模块) / / ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------- / /允许球员真正惠普僵尸切换显示为1。/ /默认:“1”zr_zhp“ 1“/ /默认ZHP切换上设置连接状态的球员。 [依存:zr_zhp] / /默认:“1”zr_zhp_default“1”

impopo 发表于 2010-8-9 09:12:11

spawn 在cs里指的是出身体,例如,T spawn 指的就是土匪出生地。

Kary 发表于 2010-8-7 16:19:21



// Re-display class selection menu every spawn.
// 默认: "0"
zr_classes_menu_spawn "0"

// Display class selection menu when a player spawn for the first time.
// 默认: "0"
zr_classes_menu_join "0"

// 选择后自动关闭选择菜单。
// 默认: "1"
zr_classes_menu_autoclose "1"

// Player is assigned a random class every spawn.
// 默认: "0"
zr_classes_random "0"

// Time limit to change human class with instant change after spawning. Time is in seconds. Use 0 or negative to disable.
// 默认: "20"
zr_classes_change_timelimit "20"

// Save players' class selections in server cookies and restore when connecting.
// 默认: "1"
zr_classes_save "1"

// (Not implemented!) Admin-only class assigned to admins on connect, if any. ["default" = Default human class | "random" = Random admin-only class]
// 默认: "random"
zr_classes_default_admin "default"

// (Incomplete) Admin-mode class assigned to admins on connect. Do not confuse this with admin-only classes. ["random" = Random admin class | "" = Class config default]
// 默认: "random"
zr_classes_default_admin_mode "random"

// Human class assigned to players on connect. ["random" = Random human class | "" = Class config default]
// 默认: "random"
zr_classes_default_human "random"

// Zombie class assigned to players on connect. ["random" = Random zombie class | "" = Class config default]
// 默认: "random"
zr_classes_default_zombie "random"

// Zombie class assigned to mother zombies. ["motherzombies" = Random mother zombie class | "random" = Random regular zombie class | "disabled" = Don't change class on mother zombies]
// 默认: "motherzombies"
zr_classes_default_mother_zombie "motherzombies"

// Allow players to select zombie classes.
// 默认: "1"
zr_classes_zombie_select "1"

// Allow players to select human classes.
// 默认: "1"
zr_classes_human_select "1"

// Allow admins to select admin mode classes. (Not to be confused by admin-only classes!)
// 默认: "1"
zr_classes_admin_select "1"

// Speed method to use when applying player speed. Do not touch this if you don't know what you're doing! ["lmv" = Lagged movement value | "prop" = Player speed property]
// 默认: "prop"
zr_classes_speed_method "prop"

// Overlay

// Allow players to toggle class overlay.
// 默认: "1"
zr_classes_overlay_toggle "1"

// List of commands to hook that players can use to toggle class overlay.
// 默认: "nightvision"
zr_classes_overlay_togglecmds "nightvision"

// Default class overlay toggle state set on connecting player.
// 默认: "1"
zr_classes_overlay_default "1"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Weapons (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// General

// Enable weapons module, disabling this will disable any weapons-related features. (weapon restrictions, weapon knockback multipliers, etc)
// 默认: "1"
zr_weapons "1"

// Restrict

// Enable weapon restriction module, disabling this will disable weapon restriction commands.
// 默认: "1"
zr_weapons_restrict "1"

// Restricts zombies from picking up weapons after the round has ended but before the next round has begun.
// 默认: "1"
zr_weapons_restrict_endequip "1"

// ZMarket

// Allow player to buy from a list of weapons in the weapons config.
// 默认: "1"
zr_weapons_zmarket "1"

// Requires player to be inside a buyzone to use ZMarket.
// 默认: "1"
zr_weapons_zmarket_buyzone "1"

// Allow players to rebuy their previous weapons.
// 默认: "1"
zr_weapons_zmarket_rebuy "1"

// Allow players to automatically rebuy their previous weapons.
// 默认: "1"
zr_weapons_zmarket_rebuy_auto "1"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Hitgroups (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Enable hitgroups module, disabling this will disable hitgroup-related features. (hitgroup knockback multipliers, hitgroup damage control)
// 默认: "1"
zr_hitgroups "1"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Infect (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// General

// Number of mother zombies to infect (when infect timer is up) in proportion to number of humans on the server.
// 默认: "5"
zr_infect_mzombie_ratio "5"

// Teleport mother zombies back to spawn on infect.
// 默认: "0"
zr_infect_mzombie_respawn "0"

// Maximum time from the start of the round until picking the mother zombie(s).
// 默认: "50.0"
zr_infect_spawntime_max "50.0"

// Minimum time from the start of the round until picking the mother zombie(s).
// 默认: "30.0"
zr_infect_spawntime_min "30.0"

// Prevent a player from being chosen as mother zombie two rounds in a row.
// 默认: "1"
zr_infect_consecutive_block "1"

// Force player to drop all weapons on infect, disabling this will strip weapons instead.
// 默认: "1"
zr_infect_weapons_drop "1"

// Effects

// Disabling this will disable the fireball, smoke cloud, and sparks in a more efficient way.
// 默认: "1"
zr_infect_explosion "1"

// Spawn a fireball effect around player on infection.
// 默认: "1"
zr_infect_fireball "1"

// Spawn a smoke cloud effect around player on infection.
// 默认: "1"
zr_infect_smoke "1"

// Emit sparks from player on infection.
// 默认: "1"
zr_infect_sparks "1"

// Sound, relative to "sound" folder, to play from player on infection. ['""' = No sound]
// 默认: "npc/fast_zombie/fz_scream1.wav"
zr_infect_sound "npc/fast_zombie/fz_scream1.wav"

// Emit an energy splash from player on infection.
// 默认: "1"
zr_infect_esplash "1"

// Shake player's view on infect.
// 默认: "1"
zr_infect_shake "1"

// Amplitude of shaking effect.
// 默认: "15.0"
zr_infect_shake_amp "15.0"

// Frequency of shaking effect.
// 默认: "1.0"
zr_infect_shake_frequency "1.0"

// Duration of shaking effect.
// 默认: "5.0"
zr_infect_shake_duration "5.0"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Damage (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Hitgroup damage

// Read hitgroup damage control from hitgroup config file, disabling this allows all zombie hitgroups to be shot.
// 默认: "1"
zr_damage_hitgroups "1"

// Block Damage Types

// Block friendly fire.
// 默认: "1"
zr_damage_block_ff "1"

// Block blast damage inflicted on self or teammates.
// 默认: "1"
zr_damage_block_blast "1"

// Suicide Intercept

// Intercept suicide commands attempted by zombies.
// 默认: "0"
zr_damage_suicide_zombie "0"

// Intercept suicide commands attempted by mother zombies.
// 默认: "1"
zr_damage_suicide_mzombie "1"

// Intercept suicide commands attempted by humans.
// 默认: "0"
zr_damage_suicide_human "0"

// List of client commands to intercept as suicide attempts.
// 默认: "kill, spectate, jointeam, joinclass, explode"
zr_damage_suicide_cmds "kill, spectate, jointeam, joinclass, explode"

// Intercept suicide commands only after the first zombie has spawned.
// 默认: "1"
zr_damage_suicide_after_infect "1"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Overlays (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// How often to update overlays on players.
// 默认: "1.0"
zr_overlays_update_time "1.0"

// Minimum DirectX level allowed for overlays (mat_dxlevel).
// 默认: "80"
zr_overlays_min_dxlevel "80"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Round End (core)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Show specified overlay to players depending on winner when the round ends.
// 默认: "1"
zr_roundend_overlay "1"

// Overlay, relative to "materials" folder, to display when zombies win the round.
// 默认: "overlays/zr/zombies_win"
zr_roundend_overlays_zombie "overlays/zr/zombies_win"

// Overlay, relative to "materials" folder, to display when humans win the round.
// 默认: "overlays/zr/humans_win"
zr_roundend_overlays_human "overlays/zr/humans_win"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Account (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Reset player's cash each spawn.
// 默认: "1"
zr_account_cashfill "1"

// Amount of cash to set player's account to.
// 默认: "12000"
zr_account_cashfill_value "12000"

// Attacker receives amount of cash equivalent to the damage that was inflicted.
// 默认: "0"
zr_account_cashdmg "0"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Visual Effects (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Lightstyle

// Change lightstyle (brightness) of the map.
// 默认: "0"
zr_veffects_lightstyle "0"

// Lightstyle value. ['a' = Darkest | 'z' = Brightest | Dependency: zr_veffects_lightstyle]
// 默认: "b"
zr_veffects_lightstyle_value "b"

// Sky

// Change map skybox.
// 默认: "0"
zr_veffects_sky "0"

// Skybox file, relative to "materials/skybox" folder, to change map skybox to.  This file is automatically downloaded to clients.
// 默认: "sky_borealis01up.vmt"
zr_veffects_sky_path "sky_borealis01up.vmt"

// Sun

// Disable sun rendering on map.
// 默认: "0"
zr_veffects_sun_disable "0"

// Fog (UNSUPPORTED) SourceMod currently doesn't support this feature.

// (UNSUPPORTED) Enable fog rendering on the map.
// 默认: "0"
zr_veffects_fog "0"

// (UNSUPPORTED) If fog exists already on the map, then replace with new modified fog.
// 默认: "0"
zr_veffects_fog_override "0"

// (UNSUPPORTED) Primary color of the fog.
// 默认: "255 255 255"
zr_veffects_fog_pcolor "255 255 255"

// (UNSUPPORTED) Secondary color of the fog.
// 默认: "255 255 255"
zr_veffects_fog_scolor "255 255 255"

// (UNSUPPORTED) Density (thickness) of the fog.
// 默认: "0.8"
zr_veffects_fog_density "0.8"

// (UNSUPPORTED) Distance from player to start rendering foremost fog.
// 默认: "0"
zr_veffects_fog_startdist "0"

// (UNSUPPORTED) Distance from player to stop rendering fog.
// 默认: "400"
zr_veffects_fog_enddist "400"

// (UNSUPPORTED) Vertical clipping plane.
// 默认: "2000"
zr_veffects_fog_farz "2000"

// Ragdoll

// Remove players' ragdolls from the game after a delay.
// 默认: "1"
zr_veffects_ragdoll_remove "1"

// The ragdoll removal effect. ['-2' = Effectless removal | '-1' = Random effect | '0' = Energy dissolve | '1' = Heavy electrical dissolve | '2' = Light electrical dissolve | '3' = Core dissolve | Dependency: zr_veffects_ragdoll_remove]
// 默认: "-1"
zr_veffects_ragdoll_dissolve "-1"

// Time to wait before removing the ragdoll.
// 默认: "0.5"
zr_veffects_ragdoll_delay "0.5"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sound Effects (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Zombie Sounds

// Time between emission of a moan sound from a zombie.
// 默认: "30.0"
zr_seffects_moan "30.0"

// The probability that a groan sound will be emitted from a zombie when shot. ['100' = 1% chance | '50' = 2% chance | '1' = 100% chance]
// 默认: "5"
zr_seffects_groan "5"

// Emit a death sound when a zombie dies.
// 默认: "1"
zr_seffects_death "1"

// Number of sound commands allowed within the time span, or total limit if time span is disabled. ['0' = Disable sound command limit]
// 默认: "4"
zr_seffects_command_limit "4"

// Time span for sound command limiter (in seconds). ['0' = Disable time span check | positive number = Time span]
// 默认: "10"
zr_seffects_command_timespan "10"

// Ambient Sounds

// Play an ambient sound to all players during gameplay.
// 默认: "1"
zr_ambientsounds "1"

// Sound file, relative to "sound" folder, to play as ambience.  This file is automatically downloaded to clients.
// 默认: "ambient/zr/zr_ambience.mp3"
zr_ambientsounds_file "ambient/zr/zr_ambience.mp3"

// Length of the ambient sound.
// 默认: "60.0"
zr_ambientsounds_length "60.0"

// Volume of the ambient sound.
// 默认: "0.8"
zr_ambientsounds_volume "0.8"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Anti-Stick (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Automatically unstick players when stuck within each others' collision hull.
// 默认: "1"
zr_antistick "1"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Spawn Protect (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Player will be protected from infection when spawning into the game late.
// 默认: "1"
zr_spawnprotect "1"

// Amount of time to protect player.
// 默认: "10"
zr_spawnprotect_time "10"

// Speed of the player during protection. See the manual for more information.
// 默认: "250.0"
zr_spawnprotect_speed "250.0"

// Alpha of the player during protection. ['255' = Fully visible | '0' = Completely invisible | Dependency: zr_spawnprotect]
// 默认: "0"
zr_spawnprotect_alpha "0"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Respawn (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Respawn players after death.
// 默认: "0"
zr_respawn "0"

// Time after death to delay player respawn.
// 默认: "1"
zr_respawn_delay "1"

// Respawn player as a zombie.
// 默认: "1"
zr_respawn_team_zombie "1"

// Respawn player as a zombie if player was killed by the world.
// 默认: "1"
zr_respawn_team_zombie_world "1"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Napalm (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Ignite grenade in mid-air after player throws it.
// 默认: "1"
zr_napalm_ignite "1"

// Minimum water-saturation before flame is extinguished. ['0' = Disabled | '1' = Feet | '2' = Waist | '3' = Full submersion]
// 默认: "0"
zr_napalm_douse "0"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Jump Boost (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Prevent players from using forward jump boost multipliers to bunny hop.
// 默认: "1"
zr_jumpboost_bhop_protect "1"

// The maximum horizontal velocity a player can achieve before bunnyhop protection kicks in.
// 默认: "300"
zr_jumpboost_bhop_max "300"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Volumetric Features (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Enables volumetric features.
// 默认: "1"
zr_vol "1"

// How often to update player positions and trigger events, in seconds.
// 默认: "1.0"
zr_vol_update_interval "1.0"

// How often to check for delayed events, in seconds. Use lower values for more precise delays.
// 默认: "1.0"
zr_vol_trigger_interval "1.0"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ZSpawn (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Allow players to spawn into the game late.
// 默认: "1"
zr_zspawn "1"

// Override spawn team when spawning by means of ZSpawn.
// 默认: "1"
zr_zspawn_team_override "1"

// Spawn player on zombie team when spawning by means of ZSpawn.
// 默认: "0"
zr_zspawn_team_zombie "0"

// Block players disconnecting and rejoing the game using zspawn.
// 默认: "1"
zr_zspawn_block_rejoin "1"

// Put a time limit on the use of ZSpawn.
// 默认: "1"
zr_zspawn_timelimit "1"

// Time from the start of the round to allow ZSpawn.
// 默认: "120.0"
zr_zspawn_timelimit_time "120.0"

// Spawn player on the zombie team AFTER the timelimit is up. ['-1' = Block ZSpawn | '0' = Spawn as human | '1' = Spawn as zombie | Dependency: zr_zspawn_timelimit]
// 默认: "1"
zr_zspawn_timelimit_zombie "1"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ZTele (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Allow zombies to use ZTele.
// 默认: "1"
zr_ztele_zombie "1"

// Allow humans to use ZTele before the mother zombie has spawned.
// 默认: "1"
zr_ztele_human_before "1"

// Allow humans to use ZTele after the mother zombie has spawned.
// 默认: "1"
zr_ztele_human_after "1"

// Time between using ZTele command and teleportation for zombies.
// 默认: "3.0"
zr_ztele_delay_zombie "3.0"

// Time between using ZTele command and teleportation for humans.
// 默认: "3.0"
zr_ztele_delay_human "3.0"

// Max number of times a zombie is allowed to use ZTele per round.
// 默认: "3"
zr_ztele_max_zombie "3"

// Max number of times a human is allowed to use ZTele per round.
// 默认: "1"
zr_ztele_max_human "1"

// Automatically cancel ZTele if player moves out of a set boundary. ]
// 默认: "1"
zr_ztele_autocancel "1"

// Maximum distance, in feet, player is allowed to travel before teleport is cancelled.
// 默认: "20"
zr_ztele_autocancel_distance "20"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ZHP (module)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Allow player to toggle real HP display as a zombie.
// 默认: "1"
zr_zhp "1"

// Default ZHP toggle state set on connecting player.
// 默认: "1"
zr_zhp_default "1"
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